There is no easy way to identify someone’s bank account, yet some minor, subtle signs can give you an idea of how wealthy one might be. Not all affluent people act the same, and there are differences between those enjoying generational wealth and so-called “new money” or “nouveau riche.” The latter is flashier in most instances, but most people with money share traits that may seem insignificant if you don’t know how to look. Here are some ways to spot a wealthy person despite their efforts not to stand out.
Expensive hobbies

The wealthy seek experiences since they know they can buy anything, so it is not much of a challenge. They will take on various hobbies, like playing polo, horseback riding, driving a race car, collecting art, or making wine. While most are not too keen on showing off their wealth, when it comes to their hobbies, the affluent ones will spare no dime because experiences are priceless.
Fitted and no-fuss clothing

The wealthy are not into logos or brands. They prefer quality and classic, perfectly fitted items. They shop at ultra-high-end brands outside working hours and with a tailor on hand. The wealthiest people prefer muted colors, one or two accessories, and perfectly polished shoes. When they’re working, they will choose the simplest outfits so people are not distracted by talking about their style.
They are always comfortable

The wealthiest don’t talk about money because it is considered tacky and impolite. They will discuss finances with people dealing with their wealth, but if asked about something during dinner, they might say they’re comfortable. It is an excellent way to avoid bragging and keep their privacy. The truly rich love their privacy, so getting into the inner circle is almost impossible.
Lack of social media presence

Naturally, the ultra-wealthy use social media, but they usually have one public account for those who aspire to be like them and private accounts for their friends and family. They have people running their public accounts, announcing their achievements and philanthropic endeavors. However, Google will not provide all the information regarding their private lives.
The public image

Even if they live out of the spotlight, most rich people are polite and well-mannered and treat servers or valet people as equals. Some are genuinely nice, while others do not want to deal with negative PR. With the wealth and privileges it brings, people will pass judgment, and if that can negatively impact the family name or their work, they will gladly avoid acting like spoiled brats.
Global citizens

The wealthiest do not have one home, though they might prefer one location, especially when they get older. Usually, they have homes across the globe and see the world as their playground. They are not tourists but citizens of the world, and in every city, they know where to eat, shop, party, or indulge in their favorite activities with ease.
Time is money

Private jets are not for bragging but for saving time and security. The wealthy know the value of time, so they will do everything they can to slow it down, some for business and others for pleasure. While the rest is spending time working for money, the rich are more focused on how to make the most of their days, and if that means jetting off to another part of the world to enjoy their favorite hobby, it is worth it.
Eating habits

Eating healthy is the norm for the rich. That’s why most do not struggle with obesity, live longer, and appear fit and proper. They usually have chefs and staffers whose jobs are to make nutritious meals with fresh organic veggies and fruits and lean proteins. Eating healthy is one of the most significant privileges of the wealthiest and one of those things the rest of us mere mortals should learn from them.
The rich are not wasting money

Most of us, regular folks, work to spend, so our savings accounts are non-existent or barely there. That’s because most of us are not financially literal as much as the wealthiest, and we spend to prove that we earned it. But the rich have nothing to prove, so they will look for bargains and shop on sales while investing and making money work for them.
Prestigious education

Most wealthy people send their children to boarding and prep schools, and the kids become worldly before their teen years. They get the best universities but don’t have to aim to be the best in class. They don’t have to have good grades because they can afford it. It does not mean that all rich children are not into learning, but it is a choice, not an obligation.
Standing tall

The ultra-wealthy ooze confidence and an aura of calmness, and they appear unbothered. It does not mean that wealthy people don’t have problems, but their upbringing offers them a sense of self-worth, and with financial security, they appear to have everything figured out.
Quiet luxury

The filthy rich often carry minor signs of wealth that only other ultra-rich people recognize. These accessories can be watches, purses, or necklaces, costing as much as an average home. These accessories are usually discreet, limited editions, and as such, they are not just decorations but investments.
A small circle of friends

There are numerous stories about the richest putting potential friends through tests. That’s easy to believe because they are private, and they do not want their lives and their families to be involved in pages of tabloids. Families stick together because that’s expected, and they solve disagreements far away from prying eyes.
Minimalistic homes

The wealthy have multiple places they call homes, and their houses, like their outfits, are minimalistic and pristine. Some furniture pieces, usually family heirlooms or priceless purchases, may appear out of place. But, there is one thing they love investing in, and it gives their simplistic home character. That’s art pieces.
Masters of networking

Ultra-rich know how to behave, what to say, and how to impress the room. They know everyone, but they are not into name-dropping. These friendships, which often look like partnerships, are assets because they provide valuable insights and are essentially how the rich get richer. They speak the same language – finances, and while they might not directly talk about money, they will discuss the current market, stocks, and all the things that are out of regular people’s reach.
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Kate Smith, a self-proclaimed word nerd who relishes the power of language to inform, entertain, and inspire. Kate's passion for sharing knowledge and sparking meaningful conversations fuels her every word.