We often discuss generational gaps and differences between younger and older people, but some universal truths are relatable regardless of age. Finding common ground was not tricky because not everything has to have a touch screen, and yes, oversharing, online and in real life, can be annoying. So, here are 20 things boomers often complain about that are valid, according to millennials and even Gen-Zs.
Modern entertainment’s evolution
Most new shows or movies do not think of older generations and even portray them in a stereotypical, non-favorable light. Today’s music is also quite challenging, especially with the number of cover songs and the repetitive beats. Boomers grew up in some of the most exciting times for modern music, so they all the right to complain about new tunes.
Technology is getting too complicated
Millennials remember the internet in its earlier stages, so this rapid evolution is surprising even for them. The older generations face even more significant challenges because gadgets and services are usually designed with younger people in mind, and keeping up takes work. Touchscreens do not have to be everywhere, nor do microwaves need to come with apps.
Everything is getting louder
People of all generations noticed that music in restaurants, bars, and even stores got louder, and for older people, this can be especially troubling. Talking with friends in a diner has become increasingly more complicated, especially if someone already faces hearing issues like tinnitus.
Living costs are getting out of hand
Younger people are working two jobs, switching careers, or working over 60 hours per week just to meet basic needs. But those in retirement, with fixed incomes, can only worry since living costs are increasing, and incomes are not growing as fast as inflation. Many remember prices from “back in the day,” and understanding how they got 200% higher leaves them anxious about what’s next.
Not everything is a “life hack”
People are oversharing on social media, but one trend that confuses and annoys many people of all age groups is so-called “life hacks.” Seniors use social networks, and when they complain about influencers and life hacks, they are usually right. Boomers presumably already heard about this “hack” and did not consider it life-changing because it is likely not.
Navigating the healthcare system is exhausting
Older generations feel stuck navigating an already complex healthcare system, which they typically use more than younger people. Accessing medical tests, treatments, specialists, Medicare and Medicaid, and other insurance choices can be stressful even for someone in their 20s. Most people agree that simplifying it would be helpful, especially for those in their twilight years.
Rapid social changes
Change is inevitable, but the pace of human interactions can be challenging to keep up with. Rapid social changes are relatively new, and for younger people, it is easier to adapt. However, even younger generations understand that if they don’t help seniors, these changes can be extremely difficult to navigate. Many seniors lived through the Civil Rights Movement and the second-wave feminist movement, for example, but they need help understanding new cultural attitudes.
Life gets lonelier as we grow old
If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that we need human touch, and being without our loved ones can lead to loneliness and isolation. For the elderly, it is challenging because they are losing friends and spouses, and their social interactions are increasing constantly. Life passes by too fast, and we need to do more to ensure our seniors get their share of human interaction, perhaps through programs or even new technologies.
Rising healthcare costs
Typically, older adults need more care than younger ones. Although people over 55 make up 56% of total health spending, they’re only 30% of the population, and chronic diseases are the key cost driver. Navigating these issues with unexpected health concerns can be stressful, and young people are left wondering whether they will be able to afford any care once they get to retirement age.
Physical aging is cruel
Physical aging goes beyond thinning hair or saggy skin. It concerns bone density, physical mobility, weakened eyesight, and muscles. When older people complain about aging, younger ones need to remember that not all facilities are accessible to all seniors. While physical activity is a cornerstone of healthy aging, it cannot erase the fact that our time is running out.
People are more impatient
Our seniors waited for TV ads to pass to continue watching their TV shows, used dial-up internet, and had to hail cabs on rainy days instead of ordering rides on apps. That being said, younger generations can be impatient, so if your senior needs help understanding something, try being helpful. It will benefit everyone.
Aging leads to losing independence
This is one of those things that comes with aging, but it is easy to see why loss of independence can be heartbreaking, and people need time to adjust to it. One does not have to be a senior to understand needing assistance with daily tasks can be overwhelming and devastating for one’s self-esteem.
Oversharing is overrated
There are no generational gaps here – social media has become a place for oversharing, and people are unhappy about it. It is not about the content as much as the need to record everything and, therefore, not live in the moment.
Nothing compares to an actual book
Despite using various e-readers, people of all ages understand that physical copies of books come with a special sentiment. Going to a library or buying a used book comes with that unique “old book smell,” and you cannot compare an e-book with the real deal. Perhaps the newer generation will disagree at one point, but most people now enjoy real books and their secrets.
Fireworks at night are the worst
Unless it’s July 4th, there is no reason to expose seniors, babies, and people with autism or PTSD to the noise and pollution that comes with fireworks. If anything, younger generations are being louder about this specific issue, and seniors have taken notice. It is one of those things universally accepted by the majority, though there will always be someone opposing it.
There are too many apps
Wherever you go, you need an app, and if you don’t have one, you have to download it. It does not help that many places want you to scan their QR menus, so a relaxing restaurant breakfast with your friends has to include your phone from the start. Once it is on the table, it will be harder to ignore, and there is no need to bring age into this issue.
Automated services
People want to speak to someone if they are calling a business instead of pressing all the buttons and going through a series of unhelpful solutions. This is particularly challenging for older people because, despite the vast majority using the internet and modern technologies, they are less savvy than younger people, so getting through the banking system, for example, can be a complex task.
Not enough parking spaces
If a destination lacks convenient parking options nearby, it may not be worth visiting. Parking lots should accommodate many vehicles, as only some are able or willing to walk long distances. Few things are more frustrating than circling a parking lot to find a spot and following people leaving their parking space to secure a place for yourself.
Fashion is too repetitive
Most younger people use fashion icons from the 50s or the 60s to up their fashion game because they know that things have become too repetitive and lazy. Seniors mostly love seeing vintage fashion, though they might come and offer their advice, even if not asked. Yet, younger generations should take a listen because they lived through so many trends; they likely picked up what works and what’s a waste of money.
Medications come with nasty side-effects
Medications are not only for seniors, making this topic easier to understand, regardless of age. Still, since older people often have to take several medications, the interactions can make side effects stronger, and not enough people talk about it. It is not a pleasant subject, but it can diminish a person’s quality of life, and finding understanding from others can be beneficial.
Kate Smith, a self-proclaimed word nerd who relishes the power of language to inform, entertain, and inspire. Kate's passion for sharing knowledge and sparking meaningful conversations fuels her every word.