It might be a gross topic, but what’s even worse is contaminating your favorite shirt, thanks to your less-than-favorable smell. It can also cause a person to socially withdraw due to fears others will make fun of their personal hygiene. But here is the twist: even if you take better care than most, you may still smell thanks to hormones, certain foods, medications, stress, and more. Here are 16 things worsening your body odor, some less known than others.
Too much red meat

One study published in Chemical Senses proved that people who eat meat daily have a more intense and less pleasant body smell. Red meat, mainly, can release odorless proteins that can get nasty when they come in contact with skin bacteria. To eliminate this problem, eat more healthy carbohydrates, like fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

If you are on a detox, your body could be releasing excess chemicals, heavy metals, parasites, bacteria, or fungi, among other things. Detoxing from alcohol, for example, can cause a strong smell due to the weighty buildup of toxins. There is not much you can do during this period except take good care of your hygiene and use proper deodorant.

Overwashing your body risks stripping it of the good bacteria on the skin’s surface. This good bacteria actually fights bad ones and protects your skin’s immunity. That’s why you should use gentle body washes or even only water on specific areas, like your legs or stomach. Soap should be used for your armpits, behind the neck and ears, and on your feet. Overusing strong cleansers can cause your body odor to increase.
Too much stress

Stress-induced stress has a more potent and less pleasant smell than a workout or heat-induced sweat. High anxiety and fear also negatively impact body odor, and that’s because different glands react to stress than to heat and exertion. Stressful sweat is filled with bacteria that cause nasty smells. Meditating, spending time in nature, and better caring for your well-being will reduce stress-induced odor.
Wearing tight, synthetic fabrics

Another reason you struggle with body odor is your workout gear. Tight synthetic fabrics, like spandex, trap sweat, and apart from causing odor, you may also experience skin irritation. That’s why you should rethink your workout clothes and opt for natural fabrics that allow your skin to breathe.
Hormonal changes

If you are in between your periods or in PMS, your body experiences a number of changes. Your body temperature increases, and your hormones fluctuate, changing your smell. To avoid this issue, try stronger antiperspirants, at least during these critical days, and wear natural fabrics.
Allium veggies

While garlic and onion are considered to be healthy, they can also create an unpleasant smell because they are high in sulfuric acid. This can go on for up to two days after eating these foods, and you can try spraying yourself with lemon and hot water. To avoid garlic breath, eat apples a few minutes after eating garlic.
Too much fiber

Fiber is vital for preventing heart issues and regulating cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and digestive health. However, too much fiber can cause smelly gasses. To make it easier for fiber to move through your system, introduce it slowly and drink plenty of water.
Cruciferous veggies

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are healthy and nutritious, packed with vitamins and fiber, but they can cause body odor to change for the worse. These veggies are linked to reduced risk of heart disease and stroke and even can have a role in cancer prevention. Reduce the intake, and you will reduce sulfur-containing compounds released after eating these nutritious veggies.
Caffeine-containing foods and drinks

Coffee, tea, chocolate, and other foods and drinks with caffeine accelerate the central nervous system and, therefore, increase the activity of the apocrine gland. This can lead to changes in body odor, and like with veggies or foods rich in fiber, reduce the intake to reduce caffeine’s impact on the body.
Forgetting the tongue

Brushing your teeth regularly is not enough. You should also brush your tongue or, even better, use a tongue scraper to get a fresher breath. While it might sound gross, the tongue is covered with hairlike papillae, making it easy for foods to get stuck. That can cause bad breath and even influence dental health.
Prescription drugs

Some medications can negatively affect your body’s smell or trigger bad breath. This is a common issue, but since the range of drugs goes from allergy medicines to blood pressure to anti-depression medications, all you can do is talk to your doctor about altering dosage and keeping yourself clean.
Pungent spices

Turmeric, cayenne, sage, thyme, cumin, cinnamon, and peppercorn have numerous health benefits. However, spice foods also increase sweat levels due to sulfur-like compounds and can cause your body to change its smell. That’s why these spices should be used in moderation.

Trichomycosis is a bacterial infection of the sweat gland–bearing areas, primarily affecting men who don’t shave their armpits. It can be removed by simple shaving, though there are aids, including gel or wash formulations, that will prevent it from reappearing.

This rare condition is also known as fish odor syndrome since it causes the body to smell like fish. Though it is a genetic condition, stress and diet contribute to triggering trimethylaminuria, and changes in diet and lifestyle can also make positive changes in moderate cases. Other treatments, like taking antibiotics, must be confirmed by your doctor.

Diabetes-related ketoacidosis can cause fruity body odor. Acetone breath is also caused by ketoacidosis, and it signals that your body needs insulin and medical help ASAP. The fruity smell is the first sign that your body is slipping into diabetic ketoacidosis, which can be life-threatening.
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Kate Smith, a self-proclaimed word nerd who relishes the power of language to inform, entertain, and inspire. Kate's passion for sharing knowledge and sparking meaningful conversations fuels her every word.